Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sarah Monson Whitehead Marriage- Alberta Part 4

 I was married very young-just one month past 17.  I married William J. Whitehead Jr. who had been an 
admirer of me and I of him for all our school days.  To this union we were blessed with five children: 
 Ross Monson, Connel Monson, Hazel, Willard DeLyle, and Boyd James. My life was never easy. 
 We came to Canada with my husbands folks in 1908, leaving all my people in the States.  The country 
was new and we had nothing but ourselves and our dear baby boy Ross 1 1/2 years old. 

There would be times when I felt I could not stand it or go on another day, however, I tried to 
encourage my husband to stay with it and give it a fair trial, but in less than a year he had made 
arrangements with a Mr. Johnson who came when we and his folks did and were leaving to return
 to their old home in Idaho Falls.  I did not know of it until his plans were all made-so we parted
 with all our earthly possessions and left with them by train for Idaho, me taking the whole blame
 for him leaving. 

We left here in February and went to our home town, Franklin, Idaho.  On the
 28th of May the same year our second son Connel was born.  Ross being then 2 years and 9 months old.
  It seemed like each baby brought all the love of heaven with it to our home and for me I asked no
 greater blessing and could have been content with the material things of life as the Lord chose
 to bless me with. We had a very cold winter following.  My husband walked 3 miles to work in the 
Lewiston sugar factory and home at night.  We moved to a small 2 room apt.(lean-to) of a widows
 home when Connel was 3 months old.  I shall never forget two things that happened there.  She 
had at the back an old fashioned shanty, which most people did in those days- to use for a summer 
cook kitchen while their families were all at home.  Sister Merrick used this for a store place to just 
“put things in to get them out of the way”.  In the winter some kind person gave her a lovely fresh
 ham when they killed a pig.  Of course it was kept in this shanty and was frozen so we would have
 to cut a slice off for her when she needed it.  One morning as my husband was leaving for work at
 5:30(very dark) I went to the door with him as I always did and noticed right away the door of the 
shanty was open(there was no lock on it).  Later in the morning I went around to tell her about it and
 I will never forget the look of suspicion  on her face as she said “Are you sure you don’t know who took
 it?”  If she had sun a knife through my heart, she couldn’t have hurt me more.  I said, “Sister Merrick 
surely you  don’t think we did.”  She said, “It has never happened before and you were the only ones
 that knowed I had it.”  I think I cried the rest of the day.  She came in and found me that way and 
tried in feeble way to cover up but she didn’t have love for anyone so it still hurt.  We had some member
 of the bishopric come and investigate later in the day and where it was there was a showing in the snow
 where the meat had been dragged thro the snow and traced it to the Bill Cherry home.  That was one
 time I looked over something I never tho’t I could but I remember I never bought a bit of fresh pork for
 a very long time.  She had the mane of being “nasty” to everyone. One night not so long after that she 
knocked on the wall and ask me if I would bring the children in and she would make us a bed on her 
Winnipeg couch in the kitchen.  It was bitter cold and the children were in bed(my husband was working 
night shift).  I was a bit reluctant to disturb them but couldn’t refuse her, she seemed disturbed and
 said she tho’t we would be warmer on such a cold night.  I consented and took my little ones (after 
going around and making our bed in her kitchen) one by one, wrapping them in the flannelette sheet
 they had on their beds and we took refuge in our new sleeping quarters.   As everyone else, or most 
everyone did, she let her fire die out with kindling wood and coal ready to relight it in the morning.  
Around 2 a.m. I was awakened by a faint call for help, a gurgling sound also.  I finally realized where 
AI was and that Sister Merrick was trying feebly to awaken me.  I ran to her bedside and found her 
gasping for breath in a choking manner.  I did what I could for her and then she became a little easier
 and ask e to go for Ellen.  Ellen was a midwife and everyone’s nurse (Ellen Morgan).  I told her I would
 make the fire first and put some water on to heat.  She wanted me to go but seemed reluctant to let
 go of my hand.  I started out, it was a bright moonlight night when every star seems to stand  out alone.
  I could hear my footsteps squeak in the hard snow path and just a bit lonely and fearful I made my way
 to Ellen’s as quickly as I could.  I thought I should never be able to awaken her.  My pounding on the
 door echoed thro’ the big empty house(I say empty as they had neither carpet or linoleum and very little
 furniture in their home) the door was loose and rattled back and forth as I pounded.  I at last was 
rewarded with a faint “Whose’s there?”  I gave her my message and she ask me to wait a minute .  
The door was unlocked  so I entered and  told her I would have to hurry back, my responsibilities there 
were urgent.  I was afraid the children would waken and not know where they were become panicky.  
Also Sister Merrick needed me or may, and then my freshly lighted fire might not be just right so I
 hastened back.  Everything was under control.  Ross was awake, he was a few mo. over three years 
but as always he was lying there quietly wit his arm around baby Connel never making a sound of 
complaint, as was his nature.  When he saw me he said “Where was you mama, I was afraid you was 
lost.”  Ellen stayed thro’ the rest of the night, and as usual the Lord answered my prayers.  Tho’ I had 
a patient on my hands for a few days  and a difficult one.  But she felt more her accusation of the meat

We moved from her house in the spring to Brigham City, Utah. I liked living there very much.  
The people were so friendly and hospitable.  That is where I met Lettie Cheney-Clin her husband and 
my husband worked for the same orchard Co.  We lived in a duplex house and enjoyed our days together.  
Her eldest child Glenn was just 3 or 4 months younger than Connel. Hazel was born when Connel was four 
years old and then it was no question my happiness was complete.  Two fine little boys and now a girl.  

If we could have looked at life the same way, their dad and I , no greater happiness could have been 
me.  But life isn’t like that for me it seems. When Hazel was 2 months old, we moved a mile south of 
Brigham City, rented a large orchard and there we lived a bout 2 years.  When the “moving bug” bit once
 more and we were on our way back to Franklin, Idaho once more.  It proved to be as all other moves, 
fruitless, as far as contentment and settling down were concerned.  So when Hazel was almost three 
years old, 2 1/2 to be exact, Grandpa Whitehead come down to be with his mother during her last few
weeks on earth, and he tho’t it best for us to come back to Alberta.  So we were on our way once more. 
At that time I was taking care of my invalid mother and have many times regretted leaving her.  
What greater mission could I have had.  But the teaching of wives cleave unto thy husband, which is in
the Bible, once more prevailed.  I am a believer of that, if all try to make it worth the cleaving. 
I also believe in “husbands cleave to thy wife”. 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Teaching the Youth

Yesterday I had the awesome opportunity to teach over 140 youth aged 12-18 about how to research their family history.  It was great to see these youth trying to find their roots.  Many of them did not know the names of their great grandparents.  They were able to log in to and access the records of their families if there had been names already entered.
Family history research is for all ages.
When I presented Elder Bednar's presentation to the youth one of his main points was that if you know where you came from, you know more about who you are.  Amen!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Sarah Monson Whitehead Youth to Marriage Part 3

Similar to what Sarah would have experienced.

This is just an idea of what the school would look like.

After the death of my father we lived on the home place for a few years and then moved to town.  
My brother Ezra was the eldest, he was married at that time, we all put what ever little
 there was left from father’s estate, for us, in a lump sum.  Ezra paid the rest and we bought
 mother a home with it, in Franklin, it was no palace but to us it was a mansion.  We only 
had 2 blocks to walk to school, where as before we had a mile and on the coldest mornings
 I remember how my face would feel sometimes with tears frozen on it when I reached the
 one roomed school house where four grades were taught and the grades from 5 to 8 were
 taught in another small room nearby.
Aug 16, 1958-  It has been a long time since I have written anything in this book of my 
life’s history and many things have happened to me since then, much sorrow, and 
sometimes it is very hard to continue on, when ones heart is so sad but I have always 
wanted to write my life’s sketch so will try to add some to the already few pages.
My school days were the average kind all children had in those days.  There would
 be as I said four grades in each room.  I think I only disliked one of my many teachers.
The others were something or someone very “special” to me and I always got on very 
nicely with them. We had one school dress each year.  We always wore a print apron 
or black sateen to protect our dress.  We had one Sunday dress in the winter
(new for Xmas) and one for summer new for the 4th of July.  My new dresses were 
usually made from one, one  of the three older sisters had out grown.  But 
they were new to me and I was very happy to have them.  My two older sisters
 were very good dressmakers so they were always created into a dress like 
new, I remember the first Xmas dress I had made from honest to goodness 
cloth that was folded in a parcel and my sister Eva would measure it with 
her “nose” she said.  It was purple wool with a black figure in it and she
 trimmed it with a purple and green changeable taffeta silk. I was always
 happy by nature.  I enjoyed my life as it came and never envied the rich,
 even tho’ I wished many times I could have some of the things they had
 and I couldn’t have but it never made me unhappy.  I was happy with 
what I had and with the parents, brothers and sisters I was blessed with
, especially my mother as my father died when I was 8 yrs so my mother 
was very dear to me up until her death.  She lived to be 78.  Her memory
 is still one of my priceless memories, always patient and kind as she always was.